Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Garden Unit: Day 7 Planting Day

Planting Day!

            Planting day! My son has been looking forward to this day since we started this project.  I told him to grab his tools, seeds, and notes and meet me in the backyard.  As we prepared, he made sure that we had everything on our list.  We first discussed how we wanted to set up our garden.  There are a few ways to planting in your garden.  You can create rows or squares or stagger each plant.  We decided to try a triangular shape that was recommended by a friend.  We dug little holes in the shape of a triangle and placed 2-3 carrots in each hole about 12 inches apart from each other.  We placed some of the leftover compost in each hole and then filled the rest of the hole with soil.  We end up having about 4 triangles. We then placed a garden identification stake that said “carrots” to mark where they were placed.
We then dug a bigger hole to fit the biodegradable pot with our bell pepper plant in it, and placed it further away from the carrots to make sure it had enough room.  We added a tiny bit of compost and filled the soil in around the plant.  My son then wrote down “peppers” on an identification stake and placed it next to the bell pepper.
             After planting the seeds and the pepper plant, my son sprinkled some water using our watering can and we went to the side of the house to check on the grapes.  We found that the grape plants were still alive but did not need anymore water, as there is a drip system in place.   We did notice that the grapes needed some major maintenance work on them.  I told my son that tomorrow we would learn about the responsibility of maintaining the upkeep of these plants to grow.  

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